Student Hub

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We are committed to providing the next generation of social workers with the information, tools, opportunities and support you need to step forward into a rewarding and challenging career. These resources include volunteer opportunities, leadership opportunities, test preparation courses, networking events, student-focused activities and more.

Student Resource Guide

➡ view the full student resource guide here

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Ways you can volunteer with us


our board of directors sets the programmatic direction of the chapter and is charged with ensuring that the programs and offerings in delaware are aligned with the national strategic plan. board members are elected by their peers from across the state of delaware and serve for two year terms. positions include president, vice president, secretary, and member at large, in addition to our regional representative. the strength of our organization relies on experienced social workers like yourself whom are willing to lend their expertise and time to strengthening the chapter and advocating on behalf of our profession in delaware.

nasw-de has several regions across the state of delaware to provide members regionally based networking and educational opportunities. each unit has a representative whom helps plan and coordinate events that bring value to our members. regions are a crucial way our chapter engages and connects members!

our 2021-2022 committees are being formed right now. these are one-year appointments and committees typically meet by phone or in person on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. committees are a great way to learn more about the internal workings of our professional organization and help shape programs and policies. you’ll be a leader in our organization. sounds great, right? we're looking for members to fill our political action for candidate election (pace) and ethics commmittees.

have a topic or niche you're passionate about? share it with our members! we're looking for social workers to share what they know with the community. presenting with nasw-de is a great opportunity to get exposure to other people in your field, obtain feedback on an early version of your latest work, and improve your presentation and communication skills. at the same time, other members will have the opportunity to connect with areas of social work they're not familiar with and expand their practice toolbelt. win, win!



Ready to Volunteer? Apply now! 

Learn more about our organization structure and roles in our "Lean In: Guide To Volunteer Leadership" guide.

Ready to lean in?  Lead?  Great!  Click the link to send your resume to us!

Apply Now!

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Student Membership

Wondering why you should join NASW as a student member?  Is it worth the investment?

Student memberships give you unparalleled access to your future colleagues from across the state and nation. You can connect with them in person at events, join mentoring programs, search our directory of jobs and connect virtually with colleagues from across the nation via the myNASW online community. 

Need more of an incentive?  When you lock into your student rates you gradually transition to our full membership rate--because we understand the first few years can be financially tricky.

Unleash your potential, join NASW today!

Social Work Student Membership Types

Social work student membership is open to anyone currently enrolled in a CSWE-accredited social work degree program, or a program eligible for candidacy. Eligibility for the BSW and/or MSW student membership category is limited to four years for each degree over the lifetime of membership (does not need to be continuous). Doctoral student membership is for those enrolled in a social work or social welfare program. NASW student members may apply for discounted professional liability insurance for student field placement. 
Learn more about social work student membership

  • BSW and MSW Student Membership annual dues: $60
  • Doctoral Student Membership annual dues: $179